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Friday, April 1, 2011

Asking Alexandria Singer Needs Rehab

There seems to be an influx of crazy shit happening with bands lately. Check it out. Not a big fan of the band, and here is why. They came to my town and were really insulting. Just not nice people.


  1. It seems like "hardcore" is the new "rock n' roll", by which I mean, it's filled with self-entitled assholes who think they can do whatever they want at shows.

  2. Not hardcore. This is a band full of "scene" kids, who make music that is regurgitated garbage and have enormous egos. Most bands aren't like that.

  3. This is clearly not my style :)

  4. Scene or hardcore, they're still a bunch of obnoxious kids.

  5. I'd like to think I am not obnoxious. I play, talk to kids and be as nice as possible. The better the impression you leave, the more kids will like your band. People like this give our music scene a bad name

  6. What the heck, is insulting the new way for getting fans?

  7. Am I the only one who thinks this vid was hilarious? :p

  8. I really hope that someone tried to fuck his shit up after the show.

  9. @dreamatlantic. it doesnt matter if you play shows and try to be nice to kids, your still most likely an asshole. anyone who plays concerts in a band automatically has an ego, which is stupid. the more of an asshole people in bands are, the more girls they get. which is what the music scene is all about now right? its all fucked up. and by the way, "scene" and "hardcore" are all the same "regurgitated" bullshit over and over. you call yourself a hardcore kid, your a fucking scene kid too. like i said, its all the same bullshit.

  10. You know what the fact that there vocalist sucked fucking ass cause he was trashed isn't any reflection on the other guys in the band or the scene. Were all good people and I don't care what anybody says otherwise.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't consider myself scene or hardcore or anything like that. I don't do it to get girls. I just make music because it is fun, and I want to make something people like and is musically adept. If you wanna think I'm an asshole, it's cool man, that's your thing. I'm not gonna get mad because you have yet to meet me. If you think its all the same regurgitated bullshit, then don't read the blog dude.

  13. I looked at the comments and was like o.0

  14. I used to love their music and still do. I had no idea they were so rude.

  15. @ Moxy, I know right. I am not sure what I did to insight his rage...

    @ Parasite, I was a big fan for a while, but that really ruined them for me
